Saturday, July 7, 2012

Two Smoothies

I make these a lot. They're very simple but very good. I can't drink milk these days, so I use Coconut Dream milk (, but feel free to use whatever dairy or non-dairy milk you prefer. Vary the amount of fruit vs milk depending on whether you like smoothies that or more drinkable or more milkshake-like.

Chocolate Peach Berry Smoothie
A handful of frozen peaches and berries (there's a Safeway brand bag of frozen peaches, strawberries, and blueberries that's really good) - you can use fresh fruit if you have it, but throw in a few ice cubes if you do
Chocolate Coconut Dream milk

Mix in the blender and enjoy!

Banana Smoothie
1-2 bananas
A few ice cubes
1/2 tsp vanilla
Coconut Dream milk unsweetened original

Mix in the blender and enjoy!